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Memes for your daily dopamine rush

Memes for your daily dopamine rush

Since the beginning of time, dopamine has been an indispensable part of the motor of human beings. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter of pleasure, which means, it is what the brain feeds us with so we feel good. When we are with the people we love, we eat a spectacular pizza, or we watch Breaking Bad, our brains release dopamine causing the feeling of well-being.

For this reason dopamine is related to happiness and it causes great satisfaction. You can also get it when seeing a good meme. Memes have the perfect dose of dopamine, there are all kinds of them and they connect perfectly with everything that interests us. This is how memes give us the best dopamine rush, not only do we laugh with funny falls, but there is ingenuity that makes our brain enjoy revealing it.

Memes that will give you a dopamine hit

So now you know, memes are a fundamental part of being happy. Nowadays having good memes at hand is the smartest thing we can do to cheer up in bad times. That's why we have prepared a selection of memes that will put you in a good mood.

Hate this addiction bro

breathing addiction meme
Memedroid Community - TYBOON

Dog switching jobs

funny dog meme
Memedroid Community - Crapy.crap

Don't let me down

funny dopamine meme
Memedroid Community - DraconianMelon

Just a lion drawing, just that

funny lion drawing meme
Memedroid Community - HoodieNinja16

Fun fact

jeff bezos meme
Memedroid Community - Woz8005

Addicted to your phone?

Memedroid Community - DraconianMelon

Are you really in charge here?

funny smartphone meme
Memedroid Community - deleted_39b1896bc8e

You guys have motivation?

motivation meme
Memedroid Community - DaEmeraldGamer7

When I am serious vs when I am excited

funny conversation fact meme
Memedroid Community - Ustarte

Old School video games enjoyers

old console games meme
Memedroid Community - moxen

Great way to get your dopamine rush just on point and get hyped

funny hyping meme
Memedroid Community - Horse_Hay

More awesome memes are on the way!

We hope you had a good time looking at this article. Great memes are coming in the following months, memes of new releases, events, news and things that happen in the world that make us laugh. Be sure to visit some of the most popular tags right now on Memedroid, especially the cat memes that never seem to die, the selection of dark humor memes or if you want to get into tune for February 14, you can see the best Valentine’s Day memes so far.

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