Niggaonthetrigger | 2016-07-12 19:30 Add favorite how our legislative branch really works, please don't be those uneducated hillbillies who don't know a simple social study lesson in school about the 3 branches of government. if not then ummm, something something
Niggaonthetrigger | 2016-07-12 19:00 Add favorite read the news using a newspaper lazy pine cones you gotta get that kid from the newspaper company and beat that shithead to give you a newspaper, then actually see what is going on instead of the shit media provided on the tv that is just grossing.
Niggaonthetrigger | 2016-07-12 15:30 Add favorite another bee repost how pathetic little boi got the Mac an cheese and its it and imagine them as beeesss and how would that make you feel? GREAT
Niggaonthetrigger | 2016-07-12 06:00 Add favorite I mean you gotta get those bees and try to stick some in your butt and feel that buzzzz because it's just so gud until you feel what did guy feels
Niggaonthetrigger | 2016-07-11 23:00 Add favorite Lol kids are mad cuz the are mad at overwatch cuz there aren't really any memes that can beat this so what do you think, good or bad??!?