TrollinCrazyRussian | 2019-02-10 12:30 Add favorite Man live rent, mortgage, or land tax free with one weird trick!
TrollinCrazyRussian | 2018-11-18 12:00 Add favorite How to ruin world deadliest Special Force? Women.
TrollinCrazyRussian | 2018-07-22 05:30 Add favorite Oh mein groBer Fang meine Fruau wird Gas dann backen Sie und futtenn Sie unsere famile
TrollinCrazyRussian | 2018-07-22 02:30 Add favorite When the guy that you asked for help at grocery gestured at you that hes deaf
TrollinCrazyRussian | 2018-07-21 23:30 Add favorite When you tryin on merchandise but you realized you forgot your wallet and phone